2023/2/16 木曜日

ソウル~レアグルーブ~ジャズ~ズーク~クンビアまで(DelfonicsからSpinners、Isaac HayesにBlowfly、Ramsey Lewis~Reuben Wilson、PuchoやMongo Santamaria など)中古レコード入荷しました。

Filed under: ◇ USED — coconutsdisk ekoda @ 20:45:41

Blue Magic / Message From The Magic [Used LP]
The Delfonics / Alive & Kicking [Used LP]
The O’Jays / Ship Ahoy [Used LP]
Tyrone Washington / Roots [Used LP]
Black Heat / No Time To Burn [Used LP]
Isaac “Redd” Holt Unlimited / Isaac, Isaac, Isaac [Used LP]
Carolyn Franklin / If You Want Me [Used LP]
Danniebelle / S.T. [Used LP]
Black Ivory / S.T. [Used LP]
Phyllis Hyman / S.T. [Used LP]
Jackie Wilson / It’s All A Part Of Love [Used LP]
Bennie Conn / Soul Music [Used LP]
Edwin Starr / H.A.P.P.Y. Radio [Used LP]
Jean Carn / When I Find You Love [Used LP]
The Dramatics / A Dramatic Experience [Used LP]
Exile / All There Is [Used LP]
Smoke / Risin’ [Used LP]
Blue Magic / Thirteen Blue Magic Lane [Used LP]
The Trammps / Where The Happy People Go [Used LP]
Spinners / S.T. [Used LP]
Patti Drew / Wild Is Love [Used LP]
O.S.T. / Hell Up In Harlem [Used LP]
Lou Ragland / Is The Conveyor “Understand Each Other” [Used LP]
Isaac Hayes / Groove-A-Thon [Used LP]
Blowfly / Blowfly For President [Used LP]
Jose Mangual & Carlos “Patato Valdez / Understanding Latin Rhythms Vol. 1 [Used LP]
Tortilla Factory / S.T. [Used LP]
Sex Machine / S.T. [Used LP]
Los Corraleros / Nuevo Ritmo..! [Used LP]
Pucho & The Latin Soul Brothers / Dateline [Used LP]
Bongos & The Groovies / Something Good [Used LP]
Mongo Santamaria / Stone Soul [Used LP]
Reuben Wilson / Blue Breakbeats [Used LP]
Wayman Davis And Nicholas Barron / S.T. [Used LP]
Jimmy McGriff / Groove Grease [Used LP]
The Ramsey Lewis Trio / Upendo Ni Pamoja [Used LP]



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